1. Overview
  2. Getting Started
  3. Choosing a Default Domain
  4. Customizing your Domain
  5. I've followed these steps but my site still isn't live!


Your site's domain is like its street address; it lets other people find it. Setting up your site domain is very important in making sure that people can visit your site.

Getting Started

For your site to show up at any domain, you first need to publish it. For more information about publishing your website, please refer to this article.

Choosing a Default Domain

While publishing your site, you'll be asked to choose a domain, or to change your site address. This option lets you set the default domain for your site, which means it'll let you choose a website address with a generic domain so you can publish your site live immediately.

Customizing your Domain

To fully customize domain, your site needs to be published. Once you've published, you can choose the custom domain you want to use in the Site Settings area:

  1. Click "Site URL & Secure Connection".
  2. Click "Change Site Address".
  3. Click "Use a domain you already own".
  4. Enter the URL of the domain you already own (include www before the domain name).
  5. Click Save.

Once you've done so, your custom domain will be configured in our servers. To get the site live, you need to tell your domain host to send visitors to our servers. To do so:

  1. Create a CNAME record in your domain host with the values:
    Host: www
    Domain: s.multiscreensite.com
  2. Create an A record with the values:

    First A Record:

    Host/Alias: @


    Second A Record:

    Host/Alias: @


Most domain hosts have instructions for this in their help centers, but if they do not, you can ask your domain host:

"Can you please / How can I create a CNAME record for my domain with the values:
host: www
domain: s.multiscreensite.com
and also can you please / how can I create a 301 redirect from the base domain (without a www) to the www domain (www.yourdomain.com) URL so that my visitors are sent there appropriately."


I've followed these steps but my site still isn't live!

CNAMEs can take up to 48 hours to propagate, so your website will not usually show up immediately at its custom domain. Generally if your site isn't showing up after 24 hours, however, something is probably wrong. To figure out what's going on,

  1. Go to https://www.whatsmydns.net/#CNAME/ and enter your site's full address (with www) into the text area, then click Search.
  2. If you see red X's, or do not see s.multiscreensite.com to the right of each location, this means that either the CNAME record was not set up correctly or the domain host is not propagating. 
  3. First, check that the CNAME is set up using the instructions under the customizing your domain section.
  4. Take care to check whether the domain host you set up this CNAME in is actually hosting your domain; in some cases a domain host will let you set up records even though they aren't hosting the domain.
  5. If everything is set up correctly and you've waited 24 hours, but your site is not showing, please contact your domain host for more information.